Your Banner Ad On Our Network For 3 Months
Get your ad on our entire network for 3 months.
How? AdZippy owns and operate all sites in our ad network and constantly adding more sites, This means we can eliminate the need of publishers , Which we past the savings down to our advertisers by offering a low one time charge. Full description below
Get your ad on our entire network for 3 Months
How? AdZippy owns and operate all sites in our ad network and constantly adding more sites, This means we can eliminate the need of publishers , Which we past the savings down to our advertisers by offering a low one time charge. If you decide to continue your advertising on our network simply come back and buy another package.
Where? AdZippy has many high ranked sites in our network, All ads are automatically placed on these sites, With NO PPC or CPC cost, just one low price. Full transparency stats like impressions, clicks and ad locations are disclosed to all advertisers after you ad has been successfully placed.
What size banner do we accept?
After payment we will send you a link to provide us information about the website you would like to promote, You can submit banners is sizes of 300×250, 728×90 or 250×250.